Getting Fried Mini Decal / Sticker
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Product Number: RC00272
Getting Fried Mini Decal / Sticker
Size: 3.5 X 2 Inches
Satirize a popular fast food logo with funny stickers from Down N' Out.
At Down N' Out, community service is one of our primary goals, and one of our main missions involves informing people of what popular acronyms stand for. With that in mind, we humbly present this valuable public service by focusing on fast food restaurants.
Wait, the hat says "FTW," not "KFC"? Must be a typo…
Perfect for people who roll with a punk lifestyle and who enjoy punching up at corporate overlords, this sticker features strategically placed adhesive so that this awesome artwork can be displayed anywhere there is a flat surface. This is a particularly good fit for people who enjoy:
- Satirizing company logos with suggestive references.
- Watching the world burn.
- Funny bumper stickers.
- Fighting for animal rights.
- Profanity.
- Killer artwork.
This is a sticker, not a shirt, so for the price of a shirt, you could have like a dozen of these stickers to plaster over all of your stuff.

who are we?
We're a bunch of losers making things for other losers.